How to Add My Real Estate Brand to Listing Photos? 

Having high-quality listing photos can help your real estate business stand out from the competition and attract more buyers. It is also a great way to build your real estate brand and improve your social media marketing strategy. 

(Searching in Google “lifestyle real estate photos“? Contact us today!)

If you have a good professional photographer, consider booking them quarterly to take new photos for your real estate business. This way, you can have fresh images on a consistent basis to share with your clients and customers. This will make it easier to keep up with changing market conditions and showcase new listings. 

You can use a variety of different creative strategies to add your real estate brand to listing photos, including text overlays, captions, and other features! Using these ideas will help you create a more personal and meaningful real estate brand online. 

  1. Caption a listing photo with a description of the home and its features:

When you are posting a new listing on Facebook or Instagram, it’s important to have the right information on your photos. Many people do not know what they are looking for when they see a home, so it is critical that you include as much information as possible. This information can include a description of the property, its size, location, and price. 

  1. Add your logo to the front of the image:

If you are a local realtor, it is vital that you have your real estate company name, location, and phone number in the top left corner of each listing picture. This will allow your visitors to easily identify your agency, which will increase the likelihood of them contacting you. 

3. Feature your accomplishments: 

You can showcase your success as a real estate agent by featuring one of your most recent accomplishments in a listing photo. This will encourage visitors to look more closely at the property and contact you for more information about it. 

4. Use a backdrop to enhance the photo: 

A background can help your audience to understand more about your business, so include a photo of a landmark in the area where you serve or a photo that represents the type of properties you sell. The photo can be a street scene, a city skyline, or even a sunset. 

5. Highlight a unique feature of the property: 

You may want to share pictures of a distinctive feature in the home, such as a chandelier or vintage doorknobs. This will be a nice touch for your audience to understand more about the home, and it can give them an idea of how they can buy something similar if they are interested in moving to that area. 

6. Use a clean background: 

You want your photos to look professional, and you do not want them to feel cluttered. This can be achieved by using an app like Touch Retouch, which will remove distracting elements from the photo. 

7. Create a video: 

You can make a short video for each of your listings and post it on YouTube or Vimeo. This is a great way to show potential clients a home that you are working on or that you have sold in the past. You can also add a description of the home and a link to the property’s listing page.